We Do Not Remember Days...
We Remember Moments.

Friday, May 1, 2009


On April 25th, Brandon took me to prom. :]
He really didn't want to go, but I just went and bought a dress and told him he was taking me.. yeaah what a nice girlfriend. haha. He came over and we took a few pictures,Then we went to dinner at the chef's table. yuuum. :]
We went to the school to get our picture taken since it was pretty much the only reason I wanted to go. Finally we went to the dance. After a few minutes of sitting there a slow song came on, Yay. Second and last reason I wanted to go to prom. It was cute because the song was one of our songs. It made me really happy.
We left the dance early, since neither of us are much dancers, hahaha. So we went and got a movie from the red box. Exciting I know. Then we went back to my house and sat in the driveway, and talked. When we were ready to go to my sister Jessica's house we went inside. My mom came out to drive us down there, and the car wouldn't start.. bummer. Jessica had to come and pick us up, but its okay it was fun. When we got to Jessica's house we took a few more pictures.. After those we watched the movie, Step Brothers. It was pretty funny. The movie got over at like 2. We didn't end up taking Brandon home until almost 3:30. Crazy.
On the way home Jessica and I just talked and caught up on life, we ended up staying up until 7 in the morning. It was a very long night. It was fun an definitely worth it. :]

this is the picture taken at the school. thingy thing. :]]

Here is My prom dress. and My baby. Brandon. :]

kissy kissy.

Close up of our faces. how cute.

Without white thing over dress. my mom will kill me when she sees this. hahaha.

Another one

Another close up. No white thing.

Close up kiss. i love it.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! What a great night. Your dress reminds me of mine, I love it!! You guys are so cute. So now you have the whole high school experience!
